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Forrester TEI study reveals Sinch Mailgun ROI and outcomes

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Key rotation best practices: Keeping your email program secure

Many of us have been managing passwords for decades. Maybe it started with your Neopets account, but somewhere in the early 90s, password protection joined the conversation and never left.  

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Build Laravel 11 email authentication with Mailgun and Digital Ocean

When it was first released, Laravel version 5.7 added a new capability to verify user’s emails. If you’ve ever run php artisan make:auth within a Laravel app you’ll know the...

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Transactional Emails with API Workflows for Better Customer Experience

Have you received an instant notification email when you purchased something online? That’s essentially what a transactional message is. Transactional messages are automated...

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Email validation – Why is it vital for your inbox?

We all have those moments when we get nervous and need to double-check ourselves. Did we fill in the right answer bubbles on a test? Did we type in the right password when...

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Key rotation best practices: Keeping your email program secure

Many of us have been managing passwords for decades. Maybe it started with your Neopets account, but somewhere in the early 90s, password protection joined the conversation and never left.  

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Build Laravel 11 email authentication with Mailgun and Digital Ocean

When it was first released, Laravel version 5.7 added a new capability to verify user’s emails. If you’ve ever run php artisan make:auth within a Laravel app you’ll know the...

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The golden age of scammers: AI-powered phishing

Long live the prince of Nigeria, he had a good run. Gone is the age where scammers wield the same mediocre power as a snake oil salesman, reliant on their own persuasion and...

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Why do customers unsubscribe? Understanding the consumer mindset

One click is all it takes for a consumer to disengage from your emails, ending your marketing relationship with them. But unlike customers who may provide feedback...

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Email validation – Why is it vital for your inbox?

We all have those moments when we get nervous and need to double-check ourselves. Did we fill in the right answer bubbles on a test? Did we type in the right password when...

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Best SMTP server providers: A deep dive for developers

Choosing the right SMTP server provider can be overwhelming with so many options available. In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the features, ease of use, security, deliverability, and scalability of top SMTP server providers like Mailtrap, SendGrid, Amazon SES, Postmark, and, of course, Sinch Mailgun. Whether you're a developer testing emails or managing large-scale email programs, find out which provider is best for you.

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What is DKIM: Learn how it works and why it’s necessary

Are you who you say you are, or are you a spoofer in disguise? Answering this question is what DKIM is all about. As email usage and capabilities continue to grow, it’s important to...

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Help! I'm on an email blocklist, how do I fix it?

If you find that either your domain name or IP address is on an email blocklist, it’s easy to freak out. You certainly wouldn’t be alone if you did. The term "email blocklist" was...

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