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Mailgun release notes
The latest news on features and changes to the Mailgun platform.
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Recent release notes
Looking for the latest changes to our API and UI? Our release notes catalog major changes to the application through 2024.
Release Notes
March 17, 2025
DMARC reporting
Mailgun now provides aggregate DMARC reporting in partnership with Red Sift.
Aggregate DMARC Reports: Gain insights into email authentication and security with detailed DMARC reports.
DMARC DNS Record Generation: Easily generate DMARC records as part of our DNS setup process.
These updates help improve domain security and email deliverability.
Release Notes
November 7, 2024
Subaccount Feature Controls
Mailgun now provides partners the ability to control customer access to key products like Email Validations and Optimize's deliverability tools. Enable or disable specific features at the subaccount level through both the Subaccounts API features endpoint and the ‘Manage Features’ override from the UI.
Release Notes
November 7, 2024
Account usage tracking reports added
Mailgun has added the ability to pull account usage via the UI and API. These usage tracking reports provide real-time reporting on:
Inbox placement tests
Email previews
Usage consumption reporting includes the entire account, making it easy to forecast and manage consumption. Usage tracking reports are accessible via ‘Account Settings’ and ‘Plan & Billing’ within the UI, and programmatically via the ‘Analytics/Usage/Metrics’ endpoint.
Release Notes
October 22, 2024
Logs integration into analytics
Users are now able to drill down from analytics into the associated logs. This is an incredibly powerful improvement to our reporting capabilities and positions Mailgun as the leader in reporting capabilities.
New features alongside this integration include:
Users may export up to 1000 logs to a csv file.
Logs are no longer tied to domains, allowing users to view all logs for all domains in a single view.
Subaccount logs are displayed alongside parent logs.
Advanced filtering allows users to filter by 25 dimensions including user variables and delivery status messages.
Release Notes
September 30, 2024
Update to the Mailgun Public API – Users API
Admin users can now programmatically retrieve a list of user accounts via the Users API endpoint. All users can now retrieve their own user account details, and Admin users can make a GET call to return specific details for a user on the account.
For more information on public API endpoints and access levels per role, please visit our documentation.
Release notes
SEPTEMBER 10, 2024
DKIM Automatic Sender Security
By utilizing CNAME DNS records for DKIM keys, users can elect to have Mailgun automatically rotate their DKIM keys, offering additional sender security. Mailgun will create 2048-bit DKIM keys and rotate them once every 120 days, with the option to force rotate keys at any time.
Release notes
AUGUST 26, 2024
Update to the Mailgun Public API domain, including ability to generate an API key programmatically
Admin users can now programmatically create API keys via an API Keys API endpoint. This also includes the ability for an admin user to create a sending/domain API key using a primary account API key. Additionally, we made public our SMTP Credentials API and IP Allowlist (Whitelist) API. For more information on public API endpoints and access levels per role, please visit
Release notes
AUGUST 7, 2024
Updates to Analytics
Mailgun’s Analytics have been completely rebuilt. Utilizing OLAP cubes to power the backend, reports will now load quickly regardless of your send volume. Because of this performance improvement, you can now:
Select up to 3 dimensions for your tabular data views
Filter on multiple values and operators like “equals”, “not equals”, “contains”, and “not contains”.
Future forward, our analytics team will be working to rebuild the logs platform to integrate with our analytics solution, allowing for seamless analysis across features.
Release notes
JULY 16, 2024
Email Health Score
Introducing email health score, our proprietary scoring for email program success and improvement. Based on your account, IPs, domains, and emails delivered (minimum of 10,000 emails sent over the past 30 days), the email health score points to the areas of improvement with recommendations for detractor remediation. Points are based on health sending habits as well as bad ones, including high bounce rates, complaints, critical failures, and more.
Release notes
JUNE 11, 2024
GZIP compression support for /messages API endpoint
We have released GZIP compression support on our /messages API endpoint. This allows API users to compress their API requests to send messages, thereby reducing network overhead and bandwidth costs.
Release notes
MAY 30, 2024
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) API Keys
Introducing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for API key users. Previously, RBAC was implemented as a user management feature on our dashboard. Now, the RBAC concept has been applied to new API keys by giving an Admin user the ability to assign a pre-defined role that controls API access at the user level. This reduces the risk of account compromise, and provides more control over what API endpoints users can (and can’t) access.
Release notes
MAY 29, 2024
New Event metric for time to first delivery attempt
We have added a new metric – ‘time_to_deliver_first_attempt’
- to the delivered event representing the time (measured in seconds) from the point Mailgun accepts your message send request to connection to recipient host for email transmission.
Release notes
MAY 28, 2024
New Integrated Product Experience within the UI
We have updated the navigational flow of the Mailgun UI to bring our Optimize and Validate products into a single app experience. This release also includes an in-app walkthrough of new navigation experience.
Release notes
MAY 15, 2024
Introducing Engagement Results
Validations Engagement Results attribute an engagement type to the email address that is validated. Through this, customers can segment their email list(s) based on engagement activity. This activity result is based on the past 30 days of engagement at the time of validation.
Release notes
APRIL 25, 2024
Delegated IP Pools
A primary account can now assign an IP pool from the primary to their subaccounts via the UI and/or API. Alongside this, the IP pool can be allocated to any sending domains on the assigned subaccount(s), as well as allowing for the assignment of the same IP pool to multiple subaccounts.
Release notes
MARCH 6, 2024
Added Mailbox Provider details to the Events and Webhooks payloads
For outbound messages, we added the Mailbox Provider (displayed as recipient provider) to the event webhook payloads as well as the event logs in the Mailgun application. This will allow customers to analyze their sending performance per Mailbox Provider.
Release notes
FEBRUARY 20, 2024
New Documentation Experience
We have updated and modernized our publicly available help and API reference at
Release notes
JANUARY 29, 2024
Subaccount Support in Official SDKs
We have updated our officially supported libraries to include subaccount API operations.
Release notes
JANUARY 25, 2024
Added ARC support to Inbound Messages
We have added ARC headers to all inbound email routed and forwarded by Mailgun. This change was implemented to better align with policy changes at Google and Yahoo.
Also, since we can retain authentication on the forward, DMARC compliance should be retained.
Release notes
DECEMBER 13, 2023
A Subaccount can now send on an IP pool managed by the primary account
We have enhanced the header X-Mailgun-Sending-Ip-Pool to allow a subaccount to send via a primary account-level IP pool. This change was made to support a few different use cases but should remove the burden for primary account users to micro-manage IP allocation on the subaccount level.
Release notes
OCTOBER 23, 2023
New IP Allowlist
Our new IP Allowlist now secures both API and SMTP connections to Mailgun. We have moved the feature into its own navigation item in the settings menu: IP Access Management. Additionally, you are now able to add your own description when creating a new list entry or by updating existing entries.
Release notes
OCTOBER 18, 2023
Global Region Switcher
We have launched a new region switcher in the top navigation of the Mailgun application that quickly and easily allows users to switch between our US and EU region for managing assets.
Release notes
OCTOBER 17, 2023
Reporting Dashboard Enhancements
For supported plans we have added filters and groupings for both subaccounts and IP Pools.
Release notes
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023
Increased message scheduling window
Mailgun has increased the max scheduling window for messages from 3 to 7 days. The scheduling window is based on the plan's message retention, i.e., Foundation message retention is 1 day, so the max scheduling window is 1 day. Scale message retention is 7 days, so the max scheduling window is 7 days.
Release notes
AUGUST 14, 2023
We have officially released our long-anticipated subaccounts feature. We hope to assist a number of user cases that need self-provision and segment Mailgun accounts based on business unit, email type, or serving your own end-users. Please note that the subaccounts feature is currently reserved for contract customers.
Release notes
AUGUST 10, 2023
API key management update
Mailgun has launched a long-anticipated upgrade to our API key management system that allows the creation of multiple API keys for users who are managing multiple applications. We also upgraded the security of our keys, meaning they will be hashed in our database, and we will be unable to display them in plain text once generated.
Release notes
AUGUST 8, 2023
Accepted Webhook
Mailgun will now push an event data payload to your URL when Mailgun accepts the request to send/forward the email and the message has been placed in queue.
Release notes
JULY 31, 2023
Mailgun Shared IPs Now Dynamically Assigned
We have implemented changes to affect how Mailgun shared IPs are allocated to sending domains. When a sending domain is only using shared IPs, these IPs are no longer explicitly assigned to the sending domain. The sending domain will use shared IPs designated at send time. As such, the UI will not show explicitly assigned shared IPs.
Release notes
JULY 14, 2023
Allow for tracking pixel to be placed at top of email
We have added the option to place a tracking pixel at top of email. This is to assist senders that may be sending large emails that are only being partially rendered/displayed at the recipient causing inaccurate engagement rates when tracking pixel is by default located at the bottom of messages.
See our documentation on the setting as well as an API reference on the new parameter.
Release notes
JULY 6, 2023
DKIM Keys management
We've launched the ability to manage up to 3 active DKIM keys for a sending domain which will allow a user to manually rotate their DKIM key, or upgrade their key(s) from 1024 bit to 2048 bit keys without having to delete and re-add a domain. See our Help Article here: How do I rotate my DKIM key? or our API docs at Domains — Mailgun API documentation for more information.
Release notes
JUNE 12, 2023
Updates to Templates
We've added the following updates to our Templates offering:
Ability to store headers (Subject, From-address, Reply-to address) directly on a template, which will allow you to send a message providing just the recipient and template name.
Removed limitations in template name that prevented the use of capital letters, spaces and special characters (template name is now encoded)
Fixed an issue where templates that included some Handlebars helpers were not rendering in the Mailgun application.
Release notes
JUNE 5, 2023
Support for EUR & GBP
Mailgun has released support for payment using EUR and GBP currencies. This will allow new users signing up to choose their preferred currency (USD, EUR, GBP) for billing purposes.
Release notes
MAY 22, 2023
IP Pools UI Update
We've released the ability to view and manage linked domains on the Edit IP Pools modal located at
Release notes
MAY 11, 2023
' option for open tracking retired
Mailgun has retired the 'htmlonly
' open tracking setting and has removed the option from our API and application. This was a legacy setting that had low adoption and should have an extremely low impact on customers.
Release notes
APRIL 20, 2023
Get IP Pool details API call
We released a small update to our /ip_pools endpoint to allow a user to issue a GET call to<pool_id>
to be able to retrieve information about the IP Pool such as which IPs and domains are associated with that IP Pool, along with the usual name and description.
Release notes
APRIL 18, 2023
Manually input SMTP Password via UI
UI updated to support manual creation of SMTP password when creating a new credential or resetting password for SMTP login previously created. While it is recommended to use the more secure, auto-generated password, some use cases needed the character count of the password to be shorter.
Release notes
MARCH 20, 2023
Logs UI fix
Fixed Resend message modal from Logs page to pre-populate original recipient address. Removed non-relevant placeholder text.
Release notes
FEBRUARY 1, 2023
STO available at no additional charge
Mailgun’s Send-time Optimization solution is now free to all Scale and above plans.