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Travis Walton


Travis Walton

Travis Walton is an Associate Product Manager at Sinch Mailgun. Previously he was an Enterprise Technical Account Manager and he writes to pass on his deep product knowledge, best practices, and insights into developing solid email strategies.

Latest stories by Travis Walton

Help! I'm on an email blocklist, how do I fix it?

If you find that either your domain name or IP address is on an email blocklist, it’s easy to freak out. You certainly wouldn’t be alone if you did. The term "email blocklist" was...

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Privacy, automatic engagements, and Mailgun’s bot detection

Now more than ever, users are concerned about their data privacy and what steps they can take to protect their personal information. And that’s something big players in the tech...

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Sunset policy and email engagement: A complete guide

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a long, drawn-out breakup? It’s awful. But the worst is when you simply get ghosted. They stop answering your texts and calls and...

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Q4 sending can’t be pinned down: Mailgun Festivus Feats of Strength

We’ve been giving some different topics a piece of our mind with the airing of grievances, but the night of Festivus is fast approaching...

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