Latest stories by The Sinch Mailgun team
What is SMTP relay, how does it work, and why use it?
Remember relay races in school? Just as runners pass along a baton, an SMTP relay passes along an email from one server to another. Sinch Mailgun’s free SMTP relay...
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What are SMTP commands and what do you need to know about them?
Why do we need SMTP commands and what do they do? Well, we use SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) commands to communicate with email servers. These commands are...
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How to send bulk email: The dos and don’ts of mass email sending
Both transactional and marketing email messages can rely on sending massive amounts of email all at once. But while bulk is better when buying toilet paper, that’s not always the...
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How to keep your spam complaint rate low
It feels like a slap in the face. Or being dumped with the “it’s not you; it’s me” line. When an email subscriber marks one of your emails as spam, it feels like a betrayal. We were doing...
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Mailgun Optimize releases updates to monitor authentication success rates
2024 comes with new sending resolutions. Inbox giants like Gmail will hold senders to new stricter like reduced spam complaint rates and stronger authentications. Unlike a...
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