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Phil Adams


Phil Adams

Philip Adams was a Sr. Content Marketing Specialist at Sinch Mailjet. He curated the Mailjet blog and was our primary source for British sarcasm. He writes about all things related to email and email marketing.

Latest stories by Phil Adams

How to implement DMARC – A step-by-step guide

Email spoofing is rampant across the internet. Fraudulent emails come in the form of scams, ransomware, and even stock-market manipulation. We see companies lose...

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Reverse DNS white labeling: How it works

The Domain Name System (DNS) is about as old as the internet itself, and it’s easy to understand why. Domain names, like, are way easier to memorize and...

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How does Mailgun keep your emails protected?

On the surface, email seems relatively harmless – but dig a bit deeper and you’ll discover there’s a treasure trove of personally identifiable information (PII) at risk. This risk...

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Email metrics explained: Understanding email performance

A trip to your email analytics dashboard usually comes before a team meeting or after a product owner asks how many email subscribers are viewing content on a mobile device...

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Beware of phishing emails

You’ve got mail! But is it legitimate? Even if you recognize the company that sent you the email, it’s best to double-check any emails that request sensitive information, like...

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