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Nick Schafer


Nick Schafer

Nick Schafer is the Sr. Manager of Deliverability and Compliance at Sinch Mailgun. He keeps an eye on bad actors, investigates compliance standards, and builds deliverability strategies. He writes about how to stay on email's good side.

Latest stories by Nick Schafer

Here’s everything you need to know about DNS blocklists

The word “blocklist” can almost seem like something out of a movie – a little dramatic, silly, and a little unreal. Unfortunately, in the real world, blocklists are definitely something you...

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Numbers don’t lie: What factors are impacting your deliverability?

It’s no secret that many first-time senders struggle with delivery across different mailbox providers. What makes this even more complicated is that your delivery rate might differ...

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Why sending email isn't enough: How sender reputation impacts deliverability

When you think about the reputation of your business, customer service and product quality are key attributes that come to mind. Email communication practices can also...

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A word of caution for Laravel developers

Recently we've become aware of a trend where customers are inadvertently exposing sensitive information along with their Mailgun credentials to the public...

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